Profit with Presence
Mindful Leadership Blog

Be in Flow: Cultivating Optimal Experience and Connection flow leaders leadership presence relationships May 28, 2024

Flow is a powerful concept that encompasses two crucial aspects of our lives: the internal state of being and the external connectedness with significant people who influence our success. This dual...

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Finding Peace and Joy: Living in the Gap awareness ceo executive joy leadership leadership mentorship living in the gap meditation mindful leadership mindfulness peace presence May 21, 2024

In our fast-paced world, filled with constant stimuli and internal chatter, finding moments of stillness can seem like an elusive dream. Yet, nestled between our thoughts lies a space of quiet, a...

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Maximizing Executive Performance: The Power of Presence ceo executive leadership leadership mentorship mindful leadership performance May 06, 2024

In the fast-paced world of high-level executives, success often hinges on more than just intelligence and hard work. It's about being fully present—engaged with the moment, conscious of...

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The Art of Listening: Cultivating Presence for Deeper Connections Apr 22, 2024

In a world moving at the speed of light, where everyone is eager to speak but few are willing to listen genuinely, the art of listening stands out as a rare and invaluable skill. It transcends mere...

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The Power of Your Word: A Commitment to Integrity Apr 17, 2024

In a world where trust is often fragile, and actions speak louder than words, the concept of "your word" holds immense significance. It's not just about what you say; it's about the integrity...

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The Heart of Business: Relationships, Presence, and Equality Apr 01, 2024

In business success, financial acumen and marketing prowess often take center stage. However, amidst the numbers and strategies, a subtle yet profound element exists that can make or break an...

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Cultivating Compassion: A Journey of Mindfulness and Connection Mar 25, 2024

In a world that often champions resilience and individualism, the concept of compassion can sometimes feel foreign or even weak to many. It's a quality that some believe they must actively...

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Embracing Responsibility, Nonjudgment, and Compassion: Keys to Empowerment Mar 11, 2024

In the journey of personal growth, three pillars stand tall: responsibility, nonjudgment, and compassion. Each pillar represents a fundamental aspect of human interaction and self-awareness,...

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Embracing the Power of Detachment: A Path to Mindful Action Mar 04, 2024

In a world obsessed with outcomes and results, it's easy to lose sight of the present moment. We become fixated on achieving a specific goal, measuring success by the end result rather than the...

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The Mindful Leader's Essential Question: "What Can Only I Do?" Feb 05, 2024


In the bustling world of leadership, where multitasking seems like the norm, a vital question often gets overlooked: "What can only I do?" This seemingly simple inquiry lies at the heart of...

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Prioritizing Life: Hitting a Home Run in Your Daily Routine Jan 29, 2024


Life can be likened to stepping up to bat at home plate. The first priority? Getting personal work done and setting the right mindset for the day. Much like putting on your airplane air mask...

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The Power of Showing Up: Being Present for Success Jan 08, 2024


Have you ever noticed the stark contrast between individuals who consistently show up, ready to engage, and those who need constant reminders or appear physically present but mentally...

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