Profit with Presence
Mindful Leadership Blog

Cultivating Mindfulness: Finding Peace in the Present Moment Aug 08, 2023

In our modern world filled with constant distractions and a whirlwind of responsibilities, finding moments of stillness and true presence can be challenging. However, embracing mindfulness allows...

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Bridging the Gap Between Science and Consciousness Jul 25, 2023

Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, once proclaimed that knowledge of the empirical world begins and ends with experience. While he is celebrated for his scientific genius, he also had a deep...

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Maximizing Business Success: Harnessing the Unlimited Power of Mindfulness in the Workplace Jul 18, 2023

In today's fast-paced and hectic world, finding inner peace and clarity can often feel like an elusive goal. However, the practice of mindfulness offers a powerful solution to this challenge. By...

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Mindful Capitalism: Embracing the Positive Power of Money and Profit Jul 11, 2023

One of the main reasons why money and profit are viewed negatively in the mindfulness community is the association with greed and materialism. Mindfulness encourages us to detach ourselves from the...

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What is Mindfulness Meditation and How Does It Work? How to Live in the Gap Like a Pro Jun 27, 2023

Research shows that we have some 6,000 thoughts per day. Most of our thoughts are repetitive, and many are negative and not helpful—and importantly, stress and anxiety reside in thoughts.


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What Is a CEO Mindset? 4 Simple Practices to Manifest Success Jun 20, 2023

Culture has taught us to do certain things, such as get a good job and work hard so we can have a nice home, provide for our families, and take vacations. Once you’ve accomplished all that,...

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The Precession Effect: How Presence of Mind Exponentiates Business Success Jun 13, 2023

The precession effect is much like karma: It means that what you give, you receive. For example, it seems that every time I give my time or money to a worthwhile cause, it comes back to me many...

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Consciousness, Awareness, and Spirit: The Three Key Elements that Give Presence Meaning Jun 07, 2023

Presence is typically defined as the state of existing, or being, and being present in the moment. Presence has many layers, like an onion, and it encompasses:

  • States of consciousness: being awake...
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Painless Presence: Simple and Quick Mindfulness Training for Busy People May 11, 2023

It can be hard to integrate a mindfulness practice into your regular routine, which is why I’ve created this brief training on a simple mindfulness practice that you can do almost anywhere,...

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Hygiene for Your Mind: Live Well and Be Happy Using Mindfulness Psychology May 04, 2023

In Psychology Today, Emma Seppälä lists 20 reasons to start a meditation practice. From her list, I find her most pertinent points to be that meditation: 


  • Gives you...
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Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners: Quick and Easy Tools to Establish Your Practice Apr 18, 2023

Why is it hard to begin a mindfulness practice?

I can’t tell you how many people have told me, “I can’t meditate, it’s too difficult.” It’s not difficult because...

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Mindfulness as a Way of Life: How to Live Mindfully and Make a Profit at the Same Time Apr 11, 2023

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to mindfulness. As it turns out, mindfulness isn’t just a set of actions—it’s a way of life. As a businessperson, mindfulness can be part of...

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